Redressing Access to and Disparities in Immunotherapy for Breast Cancer (READI) is a collaboration between researchers at The Immigrant Health and Cancer Disparities (IHCD) Service at Memorial Sloan Kettering and the City College of New York (CCNY) that includes both research and community outreach to address disparities in access to immunotherapy, a form of cancer treatment for an aggressive and difficult to treat type of breast cancer known as triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) that disproportionately affects Black and Hispanic women.
Business Challenge
Non-Hispanic Black women are 11% more likely to be diagnosed with TNBC, which accounts for 15-20% of breast cancers and has a five-year survival rate that is 16% lower than other breast cancers. Despite their increased likelihood of having the disease, these women are less likely to be appropriately delivered immunotherapy treatments that can increase progression-free survival, but READI aims to change that.
In nature this campaign allowed for all initiatives to make a positive difference in the Black community.
Campaign Objective
To educate, inspire, and empower vulnerable populations with low health literacy, to become better advocates in their own healthcare.
Business Objective
To build brand awareness and establish READI as a credible, reliable resource that empowers Black women with vital information to help them be better advocates for their own healthcare.
Marketing Objective
To help Black women embrace being selfish when it comes to their healthcare so they are able to have informed conversations with their doctors about TNBC and treatment options.
Quantitative & Qualitative Research
Tools for
Community Building through Strategic Messaging
Cultural Insights
Target Demographic
Immediate Action
Women ages 40+
At an far greater risk and need to be convinced to take action now
- Family backbone
- Traditional Values
- Premenopausal Black women
- Lower SES
- High school graduate or higher
- Connected IRL and digitally
- Distrustful of Healthcare System
- Content consumers
- Tech and lifestyle trendsetters
- Supports relevant social causes
Shared Psychographics
General Education
Women ages 27-40
Currently at a lower risk
Seen as the conversation starters in the families
- Leading culture
- Driving social change
via social
- Entrepreneurial
- Reality-TV watchers
- Posts reviews and shares opinions online
60 women were surveyed
heard of TNBC
knew TNBC disproportionately affects Black and Latinx women
were NOT aware of immunotherapy
Other than healthcare professionals
of women say non-profit organizations are reliable sources for healthcare information
of women say they prefer to obtain important information via social media
To truly understand our target demographic, we dove deeper into qualitative research and unearthed a wealth of knowledge.
Black women feel like putting themselves first is selfish, when it’s actually an investment in their own health, the wellbeing of their families, and better outcomes for future generations of Black women diagnosed with TNBC.
Social Media
Establish all social media platforms
Instagram Followers
Facebook Page Likes
(Clicks, Likes, Shares, Comments, & Mentions)
Share of Voice
Views & Impressions
Earned Media
Press Releases and Pitch Emails will be used to target both print and digital media outlets to introduce them to READI, its initiatives and special events.
Media List
The organizations of the National Pan-Hellenic Council were created as a means of support for members and as a means to uplift their community, while valuing sisterhood/ brotherhood, scholastic achievement and service to their community. Today, they carry the same purpose and are consider a beacon of light within the Black community.
READI can gain traction among the target audience through placement in local publications, coverage from local journalist, and word of mouth via local chapters of the sororities of the National Pan-Hellenic Council.
Media Tour
Experiential Marketing
The READI for Everything annual brunch and gala events allow READI to engage with its community in a physical space.
The annual gala event will focus on galvanizing support and fundraising for READI and the women it serves.
Like the family dinner table, for the Black community the brunch table flaunts how their knack for a good time can coexist with their thirst for knowledge and meaningful dialogue amongst friends, as explained by Eater's Stacy-Ann Ellis. Amongst Black women, a brunch is the ideal space to merge sisterhood, knowledge about healthcare, and good vibes.
The annual brunch event will allow the READI community to interact with speakers, doctors, and advocacy groups, in a safe environment, surrounded by their sisters.
Community Building through Strategic Messaging
Branded paraphernalia allows members of the TNBC community and supporters to show their support wherever they go and spark interest in those they pass to learn more themselves.
Branded swag will allow the conversation to continue outside of set campaigns tactics and the READI community the ability show their support and sisterhood on a daily basis.
Branded swag will consist of tote bags that double as a treatment go bag and notebooks to store important information from doctor appointments. The READI swag will not only be stylish, but functional as well.
Using social media to rally the TNBC community was paramount in order for others to see TNBC is something they should care about as well.
Quantitative & Qualitative Research
According to Nielsen, Black women have very unique media habits and preferences. Facebook has a reach of 66% among Black people with an index of 94, while Instagram has a reach of 55% among Black people with an index of 120. A healthy mix of organic, boosted and paid can help amplify both reach and frequency.